Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Post Certification Exam

Today was a big, beautiful day! I took the long awaited coaching certification exam. Whew! I began taking classes in Sept. of '07 and now, finally I stepped across the threshold and onto the "other" side. What's here on this other side? Hmmmmmm... a knowing that I can do anything that I put my mind to. Granted, I've not passed yet and won't know whether I have or not for at least 2 more weeks... but I know that I can accomplish ANYTHING! Where did I find this new found streak of confidence? This is how it came about: Last night I didn't sleep much (nerves, I'm sure). This morning, I slipped out of bed and got dressed, knowing that my exam was only 3 hours away. I ate, drank coffee from my favorite pink cup and began preparing. I knew what I wanted for myself: To stand in my best which included... showing up with intuition, curiosity, playfulness, clarity, honesty and being in the moment. So I began stepping into just that. I proceeded to pray, repeat affirmations, held one of my favorite rocks (and connected with the energy), Rocky-punched the air (expelling off all of my anxiety), did this great "reprogramming" exercise that a friend-coach told me about, created and printed a page of ROBIN ALBRIGHT, CPCC (my title once certified), drank lots & lots of water, and designed "success" in my head. Success, to me, was merely doing my best and doing that intentionally... being in the moment and fully aware of it.
Before I knew it, it was 11 AM and TIME. I dialed in and proceeded to "do my thing". I finished two hours later and was amazed. I stood exactly where I wanted to stand. There were no gremlins around and I had so much fun. I could feel my nerves, but I dipped into that place of KNOWING and pulled from my own NATURALLY CREATIVE, RESOURCEFUL AND WHOLE self. It was absolutely amazing! I'm still in awe. We really can create our world! It works. :-)
After, I called my coach. She celebrated with me over the phone. We did that whole Rocky triumph stance. You know the one at the end of Rocky, Sylvester Stallone standing there... arms in the air...jumping up and down. It was great. We included our celebration by sharing the idea of drinking a cup of celebration hot chocolate and sent each other pictures of our hot chocolate moment. What a successful day. I'm pleased, thankful and look forward to what's next!


Wendy Balman said...

Yeah Robin!!! You did it! I have no doubt you'll receive your CPCC confirmation letter sooner than you think! Congratulations on achieving this big milestone!!!

CaptainOfTheLosingTeam said...

Milestones are many steps all linked together but you don't reach them without taking all the intermediate steps. Congratulations on reaching this marker and continued success in reaching all the markers to come ... and I do like that pink cup!!! Jeanne